Understanding the Quarter Life Crisis

Understanding the Quarter Life Crisis

For many millennials and older gen-z-ers, their 20s and 30s are not the time of fun and freedom that they expected. This period of life can be characterized by feelings of self-doubt, anxiety, uncertainty, and confusion over one’s direction and purpose in life. Going through a quarter life crisis may be a commonplace occurrence, but it doesn’t have to be something you go through alone or without support.

An Insider’s Guide to Self-Compassion

An Insider’s Guide to Self-Compassion

Self-compassion gets a lot of buzz, and for good reason. The term refers to showing yourself the same care and kindness you’d show a close friend. If you find you’re often critical of your faults, have difficulty separating yourself from your negative thoughts when they arise, or feel like you’re alone in your struggles, practicing self-compassion can help.

The Road to Worthiness is Paved with Imperfection

The Road to Worthiness is Paved with Imperfection

In the moments when we most need a little tenderness we quickly become our own worst enemies. Instead of recognizing and acknowledging our inherent goodness, we turn our words into weapons with messages of failure and defeat. 

Wouldn’t it be incredible if we could instead treat ourselves with the same kindness and understanding we so readily show others? In her book, The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are, leading researcher and storyteller Brené Brown examines what gets in the way of accepting ourselves as we are and living from a place of authenticity, gratitude, and whole-heartedness.