
Ten Things I Wish I Knew as a Graduate Student Intern

Ten Things I Wish I Knew as a Graduate Student Intern

“Life has evolved in many beautiful and terrifying ways. Honestly, I think it’s impossible to predict how things will unfold. As I process the ending of this chapter, I hold so much compassion for the lost part of me that started this adventure.” Rae Buchanan, located in Baltimore, Maryland reflects on her own self journey and what she learned as graduate student intern.

Childfree by Choice

Childfree by Choice

Childfree by choice is a term used to describe people who decide not to have children. Childfree people can feel misunderstood by parents or peers who do have (or desire to have) children. This blog post, written by Rae Buchanan, located in Baltimore, Maryland, navigates some areas on the decision to be childfree or to better understand a loved one’s choice.

“Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.”

“Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.”

The month of March reflects the overlooked contributions of women and continues spreading awareness of the injustices and discrimination women encounter. This blog post, written by Brittany Spencer, LCPC, located in Baltimore, Maryland, highlights the strength of being a woman and ways to support your female peers and highlight their acknowledgment.

What a Load to Bear : Stress Within Marginalized Populations

What a Load to Bear : Stress Within Marginalized Populations

Most people are aware of the negative impacts of stress and its ability to effect one’s mental health, physical health and ultimately affecting life expectancy. However, the inflicted impact of stress on marginalized communities continues to be overlooked. In this blog, Brittany Spencer, LCPC, explores how allostatic load impacts marginalized communities and individuals, and provides tangible ways to manage stress, cultivate awareness, and move towards positive change.