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Your relationship has changed with the years, and so has Valentine's Day (here's why that's totally ok!)

Your relationship has changed with the years, and so has Valentine's Day (here's why that's totally ok!)

The flowers, the cards, the hype, the expectations… As a culture, we’ve put so much pressure on February 14 and the particular - and even peculiar - ways this holiday celebrates love.


At the end of 2017, I invited you to sit with your partner and do a “Year in Review.” In that article, I quoted the legendary relationship therapist Esther Perel: 


Today, we turn to one person to provide what an entire village once did: a sense of grounding, meaning, and continuity. At the same time, we expect our committed relationships to be romantic as well as emotionally and sexually fulfilling. Is it any wonder that so many relationships crumble under the weight of it all?