body positivity

Healing from Within: Self-Care and Chronic Illness Management

Healing from Within: Self-Care and Chronic Illness Management

Living with a chronic illness is challenging, taking a toll on both the body and the mind. Rylee Powers, a dedicated chronic illness therapist in Baltimore, In this blog post, graduate student intern Rylee explores various self-care techniques tailored to people with chronic illnesses, and some of the things that have helped her cope during her journey in being diagnosed with endometriosis.

Food, Body Image, & How They Shape Us

Food, Body Image, & How They Shape Us

We live in a society with brilliant advertising for nearly every product or idea imaginable. Simultaneously, we are constantly bombarded with images of unrealistic and unhealthy ideals of beauty. It’s no wonder that people feel conflicted about what to eat, and how to live up to the status quo, especially during the upcoming holiday season.