
Ten Things I Wish I Knew as a Graduate Student Intern

Ten Things I Wish I Knew as a Graduate Student Intern

“Life has evolved in many beautiful and terrifying ways. Honestly, I think it’s impossible to predict how things will unfold. As I process the ending of this chapter, I hold so much compassion for the lost part of me that started this adventure.” Rae Buchanan, located in Baltimore, Maryland reflects on her own self journey and what she learned as graduate student intern.

Empowering Conversations: Talking to Teens about Sex with Confidence and Compassion

Empowering Conversations: Talking to Teens about Sex with Confidence and Compassion

Parenting is a journey filled with numerous conversations, and perhaps one of the most challenging but crucial discussions to have with your teenager is about sex. This blog post, written by Rylee Powers, located in Baltimore, Maryland, provides a comprehensive guide about the intricacies of approaching the topic of sex with your teenager, offering insights, strategies, and practical tips to foster a healthy, respectful, and understanding environment.

Childfree by Choice

Childfree by Choice

Childfree by choice is a term used to describe people who decide not to have children. Childfree people can feel misunderstood by parents or peers who do have (or desire to have) children. This blog post, written by Rae Buchanan, located in Baltimore, Maryland, navigates some areas on the decision to be childfree or to better understand a loved one’s choice.

Embracing the Thriving Artist

Embracing the Thriving Artist

Mental health has become a growing concern among artists. This blog post, written by Rae Buchanan, located in Baltimore, Maryland, explores the psychological, mental and physical impacts seen across performers within the artistic industry and ways to explore change, from an individual, community and systematic level. At SBCS, we are committed to serving creatives as part of our nine areas of work. This focus allows us to intentionally serve our creative clients, including musicians, artists, dancers, visionaries, and more. We hold space for those coping with creative chaos and provide support to you through your creative ventures, career pursuits, and challenges.

“Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.”

“Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.”

The month of March reflects the overlooked contributions of women and continues spreading awareness of the injustices and discrimination women encounter. This blog post, written by Brittany Spencer, LCPC, located in Baltimore, Maryland, highlights the strength of being a woman and ways to support your female peers and highlight their acknowledgment.

Getting Ahead of Seasonal Depressive Symptoms

Getting Ahead of Seasonal Depressive Symptoms

If you have experienced a fall-time dip in mood, be it the winter blues or SAD, you are likely aware that when a decrease in motivation and loss of interest in typically pleasurable activities takes hold, it can be much more difficult to reengage with the things that make you happy or bring you meaning. “Getting ahead” of seasonal depressive symptoms does not necessarily mean preventing them. This blog post, written by Kat Filipov, LGPC, located in Baltimore, Maryland, explores the symptoms of SAD and winter blues, how to distinguish them and ways to get ahead of seasonal depressive symptoms.

Neuroception – Our Subconscious Ability to Detect Threats, Risks, & Safety: Then and Now

Neuroception – Our Subconscious Ability to Detect Threats, Risks, & Safety: Then and Now

Dr. Stephen Porges has coined the term “neuroception”, which describes how our neural circuits distinguish whether stimuli are safe or dangerous. While this phenomemon is innate and serves to protect us, sometimes traumatic experiences result in faulty neuroception - which causes individuals to perceive a situation to be harmful, even if there is no presence of a threat. This post explores the implications of polyvagal theory, stress responses, and neuroception.

Revisiting the 7 A's of Healing

Revisiting the 7 A's of Healing

This post explores the 7 A’s of healing detailed by Dr. Gabor Maté in his book, book, When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress.

My Partner Just Got Sober. What Do I Do Now?

My Partner Just Got Sober. What Do I Do Now?

In her premier post for the Space Between Counseling Services blog, Kat Filipov, LGPC, helps readers explore how to support their partner(s) who are recently sober. If you are supporting a loved one who has recently decided to discontinue drug or alcohol use, this blog post is for you. Kat reminds us to set boundaries, seek additional support groups, and more.